376 Diretlions anent felt whoiJy to him, to be taught, guided, and din~ced, in all things, by his Word and Spirif; and re- -– notmce mine own wifdom, and the wifdom of this · world. He is, with my heart's confent, my alone . King and Lord. And I: refign myfelf whoJJy, foul and body, unto him, ' to be refcued by the firength of his mighty hand, from fin, death, the deviJ, and / this prefent evil world, to ferve him for ever, and to be ruled by the will of his command, as to my duty; and the will of his providence, as to my lot. - I am with my ,whole heart content ( Lord thou knoweft) to part with, · and do renounce every known fin, 1uft, er idol, and particularly my - the fin ·which moll eafily befets me ; together with my own foolilh will, and all other 'lords befides him; without refervation, and without exception-againfi his crofs. Protefiing in thy fight, 0 Lord, that I am, thro' grace, willing to have difcovered unto me, and upon difcovery to part with every fin in me that I know not: and that the doubtings and averfenefs ofheart mixed with this 111y accepting of thy covenant, are what I allow nor; and that notwithfianding thereof, I look to be accep- , ted of thee herein, in the beloved thine only Son and my Saviour, purging away thefe, with all my other fins, by his precious blood.' , ' Let it be recorded in heaven, 0 Lord, and let ~ and whatever is here prefent, bear witnefs, that I tho' mofl: unworthy, have this day her~ taken hold of, and come into, thy covenant of grace, offered and exhibited to me in thy gofpel; and that thou art my God in the renor of that covenant, and I am one, of thy people, fh)m henceforth and for ever.' . > D I RE C T. IX. After covenanting with God, fet yourfelf to ply · the throne of grace by prayer and fupplication, with Jreference to what is the particular caufe or caufes of your faLl. This is furely the proper order: for th€?- IS'.