particular ·Caufes ojFa(ling. 371 is one in beJl: cafe to make fpecial reque!ls unto the Lord, when by application of the bloo'd of Chrifi, in . t aking hold of the covenant, his confcience is purged; whereas, if one falls to that work before this, 'he can– not have the confidence towards God neceffary in this cafe, 1 John iii. 2o, 21. And for the right managing hereof, the' following Advices are offered. Pirfl, As it is fit you-fuould, the night before, con- . defcend in your own mind, on the caufcs of your fafi: fo now again you ihould review them, partly, that the things, whi~h you are to lay before the Lord in· prayer and fupplication, may be ready before you; and partly, that you may be duly affected therewith. Secondly, Then go to prayer, and prefent your pe– titions anent them, to your covenanted God. And pray again and again on thefe heads, as you lhall find your cafe to require: for the time is fet apart for that very end that you rmiy have the opportul_)ity to wrefile with G9d, in prayers and fupplications there– anent. 'Thirdly, In thefe prayers, let there be a holy mix.– ture of humility fuitable to our unworthinefs, of fer– vency fuitable to our preffing needs, and ofconfidence in God fuitable to the accefs unto him, allowed us by, the covenant: the which are the fpecial ingredients in ·prevailing prayer. 1. In all your addrelfes to the throne of grace; con– tinue a humble fupplicant, not forgetting, but main– taining a due fenfe of your finfulnefs, vilenefs ~ and unworthinefs of the mercies you make fuit for. 'Lord, I am not worthy that thou iliouldefi come under my _ roof/ faith the centurion, Mat. viii.B. 'I a.m not wor– ,thyofthe lcafi ofall th:y mercies,'faith]ac1h,!i. ' 10. Due humility will oblige you to look on yourfelf as abfolutely unworthy of fpiriwal mercies, tho', in the mean time, you fee an abfolute need of them : it will keep you from being peremptory in the matter · of •