particular Cafes of Fajling. ' 379 3· Pray with confidence in God, through ;Jefus Chrifl;; believingly, hbt doubtingly, and difirufrfully, M~t. xxi. 22. ' And all things whatfoever ye !hall aik in prayer, believing, ye !hall receive.' .Whet her your petitions be for tempo.ral or. fpiritual m~rcics, . prc~ent them to the Father in the name of Chnfi, accordmg to the prOinifes of the covenant rela~ive there-to; be– lieving, and being confident on the ground of the me– rit and interceilion of the Mediator, that God will d() the befi in youi· cafe, that ' your labour !hall not be in v~in 'in 'the Lord,' and that what is for bis glqry and your good, .!hall not be withheld from you, Pfa. lxxxv. 12. I Cor.xv. sS .. Pfal.lX:XXiv. II. 4· In the intervals of prayer, give yourfelfto fame godly exercife, f~ch as fmging ofpfalms, \eading of the wor~, or meditatio11. And particularly, if you befeeking light into a matter you n1ay enter on, lhink• ing about it, in order to yo\lr clearing therein; weigh · ing circum!l:ances with dependance on the Lord, ac– cording to the promife, Pfalm xxxii. ~· ' I will in– firufr thee; and t-each thee in the ' Y. ay which thou , fhalt go: I wiH' guide thee with mine eye.' And fpeci– ally, if you are feeking light into the flare of your foul; here is a favourable nick of time' for · it; the marks and evidences of a gracious fiate,being, upon the back of covenanting with God, in a fair way to be difco· ·. vered, to the fatisfaCtion of the fincerc foul. Lajlly, Lay no weight on the quantity ofyour prayers ; that is to fay, How long, or how many they ~re. Thefc things avail nothing with God, by whom prayers are not me.afmed, but weighed. And what makes the ,weight in them, is the fitith, fervency, and · humility therein : 1o that one of tbefe groanings men .. tioned, Rom. viii ._ 26. will down-weigh a whole day's prayers, in which thefe things are wanting. Do you get near Qod ip prayef-) and- prds forward to obtain that. · · D IR-