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Direflions anent . . DIREcT. X. As you have ability and opportunity, let works of •harity and me~cy he Jo-ined .with your. fa-jJ.-; doing them, Whet~er lU the time of It, or before it, Or after it '~ Ifa. 'lviii. 6. ' Is not this the fall: that I have chofen? · ~Ver. 7· - To deal thy bread to ·the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are call: out, to rhy houfe? when thou fee.ll: the naked, that thou cover him, and that thou hide not tl'lyfelf from thine own {jeili?" Let the poor be gainers by your fafi : for it is the: pro– mife of God, that ' he that watereth, lhall be watered '2lfo himfelf,' Prov. xi. 25. and one's finding mercy with God, natively iffues in a merciful difpofition to– wards one"s fellow-creatures, Mat. xviii. 33· Eph. iv. D I R E C T. XI. Before you give over your work, you will do well to confider feriouily, that you are now the Lord's, and no more your own: and forafmuch as your covenan· . ting with God,. fupp9feth that you ?re refolved to re• form, and to walk more clofely with God, lay down re'folutions in the .firength of your coven_anted God, to watch. And, by all means, forget not to confider, what are thefe things, whereby, in a fpecial .manner, 'your fpiritual condition bath formerly been worfied; and, by what means it may be kept right: and fin– «:erely refolve to fhun the one, and pm·fue the other; that fo, what gaps have been in your CORVerfation, n1ay be filled up, whereby it will appear, that by your fafi, you have beer) fet forward in your· Chrifiian (Ourfe. And withal, review your nlilures in all the parts of the exercif~ you have now been employed in . D I R E C T. Xri. You may conclude the work with prayer, wherein y ou may humbly confefs your failures in the manage~ ' .ment of this dutx, and apply an(iw to the blood of fprink· _