"· Works of Charity and Mercy. 38 I fprinkling for purging them away; avou~h your eo ~ venant· intercfi in God; and his i'n you ; and lay the caufes of your fa.fl: again before hir:n, and folemnly leave th~m on him. The laying over a matter on the Lord believingly, in prayer, gives great cafe to a burdehed heart; it turns a fa11 fomctimes into a fpi· r itual feail:. When Ht_nnah had done fo with h<;r cafe, {he ' went/away, and did eat, and her counte• nance was no more fad,' · 1 Sam. i. 18. And lay over yourfelfupon him, for the grace of the cov-enant, to fubdue your corrup,.ions, bear you up againll: temp– tations, and carry on your refolutions; ' that yoo may go ~ut into t\le world again, in the faith of his grace !ufficient for you in all exigencies.' D I R E C T. XIIL When the wqrk is over, take heed to your (pit·it. And, Firfl, Beware of fpiritual pride. Do not value your felf upon the account of the wdrk done, as they did, \~ho faid, ' Wherefore have we fafied, and thou feefr not ?' Ifa.lviii. 3· The opinion of the m·erit of good works, is what t~e heart of man eafily goes oft into, by its mitural biafs :. and there is fo much of the old man in the Befi, ' that they are apt to think highly of their religious performances and fervices. Wherefore, be on your guard, particularly on that fide; and con- · fider the perfection required by the holy law, and keep in view your ow,n mifmanagemen ts, fo as whenyoufha/1 have do11e all theft things, you may be obliged to fay, , We are unprofitableftrvants, Luke xvii. 1 o. . ·Secondly, Beware of cm;nal focurity. ·Saints fome– times f~ll a!leep, quickly after a fuJI meal of fpiritw1l enjoyment; as it· fared with the Spoufe, Cant. r. 2. And Satan watching the advantage, rallies his fcatter.. ed forces, and with his wounded men burns the city~ So it comes to pa~, . that, according· to So/amon's ob– .ferve, Prov. xii. 27. ' Th~_ !lothf~Al n~afl:eth not tha t whi11h 1\ I