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382 D~rellions abaut After-walking. which he took in hunting.' What was gathered with much pains, is loft thro' unwatc'hfulnefs, ere he gets the ufe ofit. Lafl!y, Beware of forgetting the caufes ofyour faJ1: , but, in your ordinary addreffes to God,\ remember them; and wait on fot an anfwer. Pfa].v. j. 'I will direB: my prayers, unto thee, and will look up.' Prayers may be accepted, and yet not prefently an· fwered. In which cafe, it is neceifary that with · pa.. tience We wait for a return from heaven, mean whil~ ufing the appointed' means, for oqtaiRing tlte end. The neglecting hereof may provoke the Lord ' to continue the fymptoms of his anger, or !l:roke of his hand, which otherwife might fooner be rernoved ; and to leave one perplexed ahd em'barraffed in m~tters where– in light is needed. But ' in your waiting for light, whatever the fove– reign Lord may do, do not look for impreffions, far lefs for voices, nor extraordinary revelation any man– ner of way, to difcover your duty in particular cafes, 2 Pet. i. 18, 19. But, having laid yourfelf fairly open to the Divine ,determination, and made humble a'nd catnefi fupplication unto God for light in your parti· cular cafe, believe that you fhlll be guided, taught, ancl direcred by him, according to his promife, Pfal.xxv. 9· Prov. iii.6. And th~n, in dependance on the Lord, weigh the matter and circumfiantiate cafe in the ba– lance offancrified reafon, according to the general di– rections of the word, ft1ch as Philip. iv. 8. ' Whatfq.– c£ver things are true, whatfoever things are honefi, whatfoever things are jufl,whatfoever things are pure, whatfoever things are lovely, whatfoever thipgs are of good report ; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praife, think on thefe thing£.' And carefully ' obfcrve the conduB: and motions of providence, with reference to it, fiill comparing them with the word. And you will f.ind, that he will guide you with his : eye according to the, promifc) Pndm xxx:ii . 8'. And with , refpect I