384 Diretlicns about their circumfiances in thefe provinces, where they ·were difperfed, Chap. iii. 8. but alfo, that the thankf– gi\iing for their deliverance was appointed to be kept throughout every family, Chap. ix. 28. · Secondly, The ground upon which the. duty offafl:. ing and humiliation is bound upon pub~ick worfuip· ping focieties, and upon particular perfons, take place alfo in the cafe of families. If national, congregatio– nal, and perfonal fins to be mourned over, judgments to be deprecated, and mercies to be fought, do found a call to a cation, congregation, or perfon, refpeCl:ive– ly, to humble themfelves with fafiing; Can there be any reafon affigned? . why the fame !hould not ·h0ld, in like manner,in the cafe of families? furel y, as there are. times wherein it goes ill with a land, or wit.h a parti– cular congregation'or perfon; fo there are times,where– in it goes evil with one's houft, 1 Chron. vii. 23. ir} refpeCt offpecialfami!y-jins or llrokes; and in which .there are fpecial family mercies needed. And fami– lies are obliged to the ufing of the fame appointed means for gett~ng rid of the one, and obtaining the other; as other worfuipping focieties, and particular perfons are, in their refpeCt:ive cafes. And where the concern of members of a family is common, altho' it be not equal, all of them ought, in reafon, to1 take part of the burden. . Lafl!y, The promife made to joint prayers, bath weight here, 1\1at. xviii._ 19. ' If two ofyou ihall agree on earth, as touching any thing that they fhall afk, it ' fh.all be done for them of my Father which is in hea– ven. Ver. 20. For where two or thrc::e are gathered together in my name,there am I in the midfi of them.' It is _certain, there is -fuch a thing as extraordinary prayer, which bath a lhare· ~~the benefit of this pro-:- ' mife : and if the Lord is ,pleafed to lay fuch a weight on fome of his people, their agreeing together to afk a thing of him, or their founding together, as the word properly fi.gnifies ; it is not to be doubted, but extra-