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38S ' . Direfli01u ·'ahout brought unto, there would be fome hope of theni, as · of the prodigal, when he came to himjelf, L.uke xv. . · 11, And if they would fet themfelves to the duty 0 ( perfona.l ·fafting, and mafl:ers offamilies would now& ahen ufe family· faits, they might at length be brought to confider of their fpiritual il:ate and cafe.Wherefore, Firfl, Ye who are young, and have not yet dipt into the heart of r~ligion, this memorial is for you. 'Tis prefumed, ye were baptized in your infancy, and that now ye are come to the years of difcretiori: but have you ever as yet taken 'a folemn deliberate view ofyour Iofi a~d undone fiate by nature, under fin and the – ~urfe ; and ofthe remedy provided for you in Jefos Chrifl? And have you ever as yet perfonally entre4 into cov.enant with God, by taking hold of his cove•' nant of grace ? You eat, you drink, you f1eep, you · work, you play or divertyourfelves ; and fo do young beafis too, the which, when they are dead, are done: but you have an immortal foul, that mufi eternally live happy in heaven, or miferable in hell. It may be, you fay your prayers too: but have you as yet perfonally renounced the devil, the vain world, and the flefh ? You cannot but fee, that death feizeth fome as young ~ndJPrightly as you are ;Atnd you know .not how foon God may call you offr Ha~e you then laid your mea- . fures for eternity ? 4las ! you are heedleily running ;1bout the devil's trap, playing yourfelves about the pit's mouth: and fuould your foot flip now, you are undone for ever. 'Thus faith the Lord of hofis, confider your ways.' - · · Secondly, Carelefs finners, carelefs about the con• ~erns of the other world, whatever your age or years be ; this memorial is for you. ' Ye carelefs ,ones, firip ye q.nd make ye bare, and gird fackcloth upon your loins,' Ifa. xxxii. I J. What is your religion ? Is it not like the foam on the water, no fubfiance in it ? What is your life and converfation ? See your own p~~ure, Jer.ii. 24. f A.. wild afs ufed to the wilden1efs, · ' - ' ~ha~