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ExhorttJtlons: 391 . makes the occafional performance of extraordinary duties now and, then necelfary,. over and above the courfe of their ordinary and !l:ated devotions. Fourthly, 1 'Tis a proper means ofpreparation fbr a time of trial. It is a piece ofchriHian prudence to fore– fee the evil, and hide one's,felf, while the fimple pa~ on and are puniihed, Prov. xxii. 3· When' God i$ threatning a land with his jndgme~ts, it becomes the inhabitants to take the alarm, and prepare to meet their ·God: and perfonal and family fa!l:s are proper expedi· 'ents for that end; llnce they who in finningtimes figh and cry for all the abominations done in the midft thereof~ !l:and fair to receive the mark for fpecia1 fa– vours in fuffering_times, Ezek. ix. 4· For all the lef· fer firokes and deliverances, thefe nations have met with oflate years, it is alas! vifible to fober men ofwhat- , ever denominat.ion, that we are not thereby reformed, nor duly convinced of,. far lefs, humbled under, the • caufes ofGod's flaming controverfy with us.And while ,t-here is 'a God to judge on the earth, we can have no r.eafon to think, that a generation chargeable with the 1 guilt which \Ve are chargeable with, is in fafety with fu~h 'a l9ad upon them: but that either God wilJ, by ' an unordinary,pouring out of his Spirit; awaken, hum– ble, and make the land to mourn ; or elfe by fome rm1zing !l:roke of judgment, will vindicate his own honour, injured to a picch that m~r Fathers arrived not at. Anc.l the lefs appearance there is of the former, there is the greater appearance of the latter. Howe– ver we feem to have no filch fecurity againfr it, as to render it unfeafonable to keep perfonal ·and faniiJy f:1fls in that view; that we may mourn over our own . fins, and the fihs of the nation, . ~nd may folernn}y commit ourfelves and our families to the divine grace, mercy, and protection, whatever may be the occurrences of providence in our day. None know what dark ficps may be between them and the grave : and therefore it cannot be an unwife courfe timely to take God