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23<) Motives God in Chrifl: for our guide thro• the mountains of darknefs, for our protector in aJI dangers, and for our . Sup~orter and helper in the midfi of trouble. Lafl:ly, It is a proper means to get matters clear for eternity, and fo to makeusafafe and comfortable paf– .fi1ge out of thi s world. 1 It was David's unfpeakable comfort on his death-bed, that he could fay ofth.e God unto whom his fpirit was about to return, He bath made with mean everlafiing covenant,' 2 Sam. xxiii. 5· Jacob, being an old man, and a-dying, comfortably refleCl:ed on the place and time, where and when, in the days of his youth, he had remarkable communi.. on with God, receiv'd the bleffiog,and vowed the vow, Gen. xlviii. 3. with chap. xx.xviii. 10,-22. w ·m:ild one be in a condition to look death in the face, to pafs fafely and comfortably to the other world; there is not amore feafible means to reach it than this ..Theref<>re, Firfi, Ye who are under doubts and fears, complai– ning, that ye can never reach clear evidences for hea– ven, this memorial is for you. No wonder they walk in the dark, who will not be at fo much pains to get light into their flute. The obtaining offuch light, might of itfelfbe a fuffident grouq,d' for fuch an ex– ercife. Clear evidences fot heaven are fuch an un– fpeakable comfort, and fo hai·d to rife up amidfl: fo much corruption of heart and life, that it is not at all · flrange they require fomething beyond the ordinary · courfe of devotion and application, to obtain the fame. And this is a mofl: feauble means, for that purpofe : for, after one has got his foul humbled by a review of his fins, bath poured out his heart before the Lord in folemn confei1ion of fin, and perfonally entred into, or renewed~ covenant with Gad, by taking hold of God's covenant of grace; if he fuould then take the matter in hand, and ex:tmine himfelf, as to the eviden– ces of faving grace in him, they will then be as likely ' to appear clear, as ever. Secondly, Ye who are one way or other, gett~ng war~mg