Boston - BT155 B677 1755

Exhortations: 1 3,93 wan1ing of approaching death,this memorial is for you. Do you obferve your equal in years, or younger than you, carried off by death? Have you been at any time refcued from imminent danger of your life, arifing from fome accident, or unforefeen occurrence? Are ye now and then vifited with ficknefs ? Do you per– ceive your firength begin to fail, the pins ofyour ta· , bernacle beoin to be looferted? Thefe ~and th@ like are b loud providential calls to you, to prepare for the other world. And preparation for that world, is fufficient to found a call unto fuch extraordinary devotion : a prof.. peB: of approaching death, may well be allowed to call one to fet fome time apart, in order to prepare for it. 'Preparation for death is work to be done in time of health: and why fhould it .be delayed, fin_ce you fee t~at death is approaching l flow unreafonable is if for men, to leave .that, work to the fick- bed, where they'll have enough ado to die, or Jl?.ay be deprived · of theirjudgmen~, if they do at all get a fick-bed, and be not fuddenly fnatch'd away,ere $hey or their friends are .aware? No, firs; ye know that death is coming : therefore, while you are able, fet fome time apart for that very end to prepare for it, and to fiate matters clearly for eternity: othcrwife, ye are cruel to your own {ouls,by your negligence, making of death, a leap in the dark into the world. . ' Laflly, All without exception who beFeve a heaven & a hell,this memorial is for you.The eternal flare is not a mattertoventm:e uponatrandom.Ifyoudo really be– lieve a pfe to come, ye cannot reafonably think, that this is to~ much to make a fuitable preparation for it: their hearts are certainly more flout, than holy, who, amidfi fo n'lany infrances of mortality as the world is ;fiill affording, are not thereby excited to fet their own foul's cafe in order, with an eye to death.'s coming a– bout to their own dpor ~ and thus to fet fame time ap·art for that 'end, is liule enough in a cafe of fuch vaft importance. · F I N I S. •