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'· ' . T H E CONTENTS. The IntroduB:ion and general Scheme. Page HEAD I. The Parties i~ the Covenant of Graa. · I. GOD the Party-contraCI:er on Heaven's fide 10 confidered in a threefold view ib. II. The Lord Jefus Chrill the Party-eontraCl:er on man's fide. . 14 The covenant of grace made with Chrill:, as the la£1: Adam, Head and reprefentative ofhis fpiritual feed Evinced from five 1 confiderations. ' I 5 Five reafons Why 'twas fo made, 2 I Inferences 2 5 Ill. The party·contraCled undertaken for, 29 The eleCl: were the party reprefented and contraCted for in the covenant, ' Four proofs of it, 30 Three ways they're viewed in this covenant-reprefenta· tion, 34 Inferences, 35 ohjeCl:. I fear I'm none of thofe whom Chrill: reprefented in the covenant, How then can I take hold- of it by- be· lieving ? Apfwer , <l!:!efl. Are there no marks whereby a finner may know himfelf to be one of thefe who were reprefented by Chriff: in the fecond covenant? .Anfwer. 39 HEAD. II. The Making of theCovenant of Grace. H ~W Chrifl the Son o( God became the fecond Adam, -'43 How the covenant was made with Chril1: as the fecond A– dam ;