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'• C 0 N TENTS. dam? Page 46 Ch~ifl: giving his confent to the covena~t, took upon him a threefold character, I. The Kinfman-Redeemer in the covenant, 48 Performances of the Kinfman-Redeemer four, 49 }I. The Surety of the covenant, 53 For whom Chrifi be.came Surety,. ib• ./ For what he became Surety, . 51 Whether or not Chrifi's furetifhip is alfo of the nature of furetilhi p for one's performing of a deed ? 6 s III. The Priefi of the cavenant, 68 The neceffity of this proved, 69 Inferepces. 73 J ~~~ HEAD III. The Parts ofthe Covt:nant of Grace. I. THE con.d~tiona!y part of the. ,c~vesant, 8o Condmon, the word explam d, .. ib. Chrifi's righteoufnefs, the condition of the covenant 8t · proved by five arguments, ib. Cafe, How fhall I know that Cl1rifi's righteoufnefs is- indeed mine in potfeffion? .Anfwered 87 Chrifi's rjghteoufnef~ confifis of three parts, ss Holinefs of nature, 89 Righteoufnefs of life, 91 Satisfaction for fm, 9) Inferences, h . fi' . h 1i fi • I 04 . Of perfons that have C n s rtg teou ne s Imputed to them three characters, 108II. The promiffory part of the covenant . 11) Jmportance of the promiff.ory part of the covenant cleared by feven contideratiuns, u6 Two general kinds of promifes, 119 To whom were they made ? 12,0 Jnferenc~s, ' 124 Promifes peculiar to Chrifi:, 12i affifiance, ib. acceptance, ' ib. Reward, 130 PromifGs of eternal to life the de&~ 133 MO\'~ ' ' ' t