C 0 N TENTS.. ' more generaJly confidered, More particularly in three periods, ' I. Before their union with Chrifi, promife of prefervati9n, Promife of the Spirit, .2. From their union with. Chrill: until death Promife of jull:ification, A new apd faving covenant-relation to God : SanCtification, Temporal benefits, 3· From death through eternity, Promife of viCtory over death, Everlafting life in heaven, ' . ·Inferences, , No proper penalty of the covenant of gtace, Page 13~ .136 137 ib. . 140 . 144 14) -148 153 176 181 . ibid 189 ' 19) 197 HEAD IV. The Adminijlration of the Covenant · ... ofGrace. CHRIST the Adminill:rator of the covenant . 199 . . .... Sinners of mankind the objeCt of the adminill:ration of the covenant, 204 Confirmed by five arguments 20) Ends of the adminifiration of the covenant, 2 I 3 The bringing of finners into the covenant, ibid. · The management of them therein, . 2 1 I The cmppleating of their happinefs, 212 The nature of the adminifiration of the covenant. 2 1 5' The relations Chrifl: hath to the covenant as the Adminifirator thereof, ibid . I. The Trufl:ee of the covenant, in nine particulars ibid . J.I. The Tefl:ator of the covenant, and here are opened 222 The making of the tefl:ament, 224 Who are the legatees? 228 Who is the Executor ofthe tell:ament? 232 vVhat are the legacies left ? 2 33 III. The Prophet of the covenant, . 2 39 IV. The King of the covenant, 240 V. The Intercdfor of the covenant. 2 58 J HEAD