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C 0 N TEN T . S. H EA D. V The Trial of aSaving perfonal In-he· ing in the Covenant ofGrace. cHaraCl:ers of thefe who ate favingly within the cove– . nant, 262 H E AD' IV. ,The Way ofenflating finners perfon· ' ally andfoving!y in the Covenant ofGrace. P. 2.8'1. T H E means of enfiating a £inner· in the\ covenant is - faith, . ~ , 283. " 'Tis mofl: agreeable to the nature and end of the covenant, , 284 The import of the world believing in the iCripture· ufe I of it. \' 286 A twofold word to be believed; the law and the gofpel. . 288 The faith of the law preparatory·for the ~ovenant, ibid. The faith of the gofpel enfiating in the covenant, carries in it \ . four things, 291 I. The faith of Chrifl:'sfufficiency, 292 11~ · The faith of the gofpel ·offer, 2 9) ObjeCl:. 1. But Chrii! is now in heaven, and I hear 110 voice . from thenctt : how then can I believe that he offereth him· felf to me in p31rticular ? Anfiver, 1 97 Objetl:. 2. But Chrill: in the word of the gofpel cloth not name me ; how then can I believe that he offereth himfdf . to me in particular ? Anfwer, ibid. ·, Object. 3. I fear I want the qualifications determinative of · thefe to whom the gofpel-o:ffer is directed, &c. How then can I believe that Chrifi offers himfelf to me in particular? Anfwer, 298 III. The faith of ohr right to Chrifi, 301 QEefi. How can I a poor finner, by nature under the 1 Curfe, believe, that ·Chrifi is my Saviour, that his righteoufnef~ and eternallife are mine? Anfwer, ' · 303 ~eft. 1. If it be true, that Chrifi is my Saviour, that h1s righteoufnefs and eternal life in him are mine, then I may be eafy, ru certainly be faved without any more ado ? - Anf\\·cr,