, .C 0 N ,T E N T .S. • J Anfwel', 30' Object; 2. But Chrill: a S~viour, his righteoufnds and e~er.. nal life are things fo exceeding precious, and I'm fo very firiful and unworthy, that it is mighty hard for me to be · Jieve they are mine? Anfwer, , · I 308 IV. The faith of particular trull for f3:lv.atiori, 309 Object. I. Since it is not true ofall who hear the gof,Pel, that they lhall be faved, there cannot be in the cafe of every one of themJ a ground on which this particular tr~fl: may be warrantably founded-? Anfwer, 3~ 8 Object. 2. Many trull in Chrifl: as their Saviour, with a par- ' ticular confidence that he wi11 fave them, and yet are grof– Jy ignorant, profane, or formal hypocrites; and there• fore not true believers ? Anfwer. · · 319 I • The Contents ofthe Memorial anent Fafting, &c. Chap. I~ QF religious fafl:ing and humiliation in general~ - from , ' · 321 Ch?P• II. Of perfonal failing in particular, 33Q Sett. I. Of the Divine warrant ofit, ibid. Sect. 2. Of i providential call to perfonal falling and hurnili· ation in twelve particulars, 33) sett. niretlions for managing the duty, 346 of perfonal covenanting, 364 Advices for the right managing of it, · 365 The form of a ·perfonal coveflant, 374 Chap. III. Offamily ·falling, &c. 383 Dirctl1ons for the managing ofit, 385 · The Conclufion. 387 I