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56 Chrl/J the Surdy them : fo the n-ew covenant, on · which depends all ,their falvation, was made, and made fure. Solomo;t tells us, That ' he that is furety for a {hanger fh~ll Hnart for it: and he that hateth .fureti· fuip is fure,' Rrov. xi. 15. Our Lord jefus kn.ew very ' well, the burden he took on himfelf in his fitretifhip for finners ; the character of thefe whom. he became furety Jor; and that he co:.Ild have no relief from them : put his love to his Father~s glory, and the fal- , · vation of finners, engaged him. in it, being perfectly fure to fmart for it, as will appear from confidering. _Secondly, For what he became furety, in the cove· nant• . Sure.tiiliip, in refpefr of the fubjefr-matter of 1 • it, is of two forts. 1. There is afuretijhip for pay· ing one's debt, Prov. xxii. 26. ' ·Be not thou one of ' them that [hike hands, or of th'em that are .,fureties for debts.' 2. A furetilhip for one's performing of a deed, chap. xx. 26. ~ Take his garment that is furety for a firanger: and take a pledge of him for a firange woman,' That is, of him who is furety for her -good behaviour; fot' ilie willle.ave him in the lurch. Now our Lord's' furetifhip for finners, was of the firfi fort. Chrifi, as the fecond Adam, confenting to the fecond cove~ant, fifted hi~felf furety for the debt of the feed re~refenred by him. Their debt was, by God's eternal fore ·knowledge, fiated from the bro· ken covenant of works, in the whole latitude of the demands it had on them : and he became .Surety for it, fl:riking hands with his Father, to pay it comple~tly. And, : Firft, He became Surety for their debt of punilh· . ment~ which they, as finners, were l~ab]e in payme~t of, as the original phrafeth it, 2· Theff. i. 9· That was the debt owing to the Divine juftice; for aq and every one of their fins, original or actual. The de– merit Gftheir fins, as offence~ againfi an infinite God, was an infinite puniiliment. They were liable to bear · , ; the pains of death, in the full latitude thereof; to · fuffer