6o · Chrijl the Surety I delight to do thy will, 0 my God: yea, thy law is within my.heart.' Mat. iii. 15. 'Thus it becometh us · to fulfil all righteoufnefs.' Chap. v. r7. 'Think not that I am come to ·dellroy the law:--1 am not come defiroy, but to fulfil., · And here alfo ·there was an exchange of perfons in law, Chrifi fubfiituting himfelf in their room, and taking their obligation on himfelf: in virtue of which, he became the law's dt btor for that obedience owing by them; and this he himfe.lffolemnly own'd, by his being circumcifed, Luke ii. 2 r. according to that of th~ Apofile; 'Gal. v. 3· '' I tefiify again to every man that is circumcifed, that he is a debtor to po the whole law.' For, becoming furety for them in' this point alfo, he transferr'cd on himfelf their ftate of fervitude, ' whereby the law had a right to'exact that debt of him, which they, upon the breach ofthe coveuant of works, were liable in payment of. For clearing of this, it is to be confidered, that all mankind was, by the firfi covenant, the covenant of 'vorks, confiitute God's hired fervants; and actually entred to that their fervice, in their head the firfi A· dam. And,' in token hereof, we are all naturally in· ·. din'd, in that character to deal with God; tho' by the fall, we are' rendred, incapable to perform the duty of it, Luke xv. 19. ' Make me as one of thy · hired fervants.' The work they were to work, was perfel1 obed~ence to the holy law: the hire they were to have for their work, was life, Rom. x. 5· 'The man that cloth thofe things, fuallli{re by them.' The penalty ofbreaking away from their Mafier,was bon· dage under the curfe, Gal. iii. •o. ' Curfed is every '· one that continueth not in all things which are writ– ten in the book of the law to do them.' -But, violat– ing that covenant of hired fer.vice, they brake away ' from their Lord and Mafier; fothey 'noto11ly 'loft.all · plea for the hire, but they became bond-men under the curfe ; fiill obliged to/ make out their fervice, and that