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7o Chri/} the Prieft - out fhedding of blood there was no remiffion,' Heb.· ix. ~2. Therefore the typical covenant with Ab;a• . hamwas not made without the foleinnity offacrifice, Gen. xv. 9 · that he might know the covenant to be a covenant of reconciliation, in which a jufi God did not {hew his mercy, but in a way confifient with the . lwnour of his jufiice. Now the facrifice of beafis, yea, and whatfoever the creatures could afford for ' f1crifice in this cafe,were immediately below the value. But Jefus Chrifr becoming a priefl:, .' gave himftlf a facrifice tb God,' for efiablifhing the covenant; and that facrifice was for a .fweet-(me!ling fovour, Eph. v. 2. _~r as the Old·Tefiament phrafe is, ,Afavaur of r~(f, Gen. viii. 2 I •. Marg. The reprefentep, being finners, were corrupt and abominable before God : and he, as it were, fmelled a favour of difquiet from them, they being ' a finoke in his nofe,' Ha. lxv. 5· Thelr fin fet his revenging jufl:iG:e and wrath afHr. But the facrifice of Chrifi himfelf, was fit to fend forth fhch a fweet-fmelling favour unto God, as fhould quite ~:)Vercome the abominable favour riling from them, and lay his revenging jufiice and wrath to the mofi: <:aim and profoundefi reil:. The neceffity of a facrifice ·in the fecond covenant, aroJe from the jufl:ice 0f G_od requiring the execution of the curfe of the broken firfi covenant; whereby the G.nner fhould fall a facrifice for his fin, according to that Pfalm xciv. 23. ' He iliall bring upon them their own iniquity, and fhall c;ut them off in their own wickednefs.' It was an ancient cuftom, in making of covenants, to cu~ a beafi in twain,and to pafs between the parts of it: and that paffing between the parts, refpecti ng the falling of the curfe of the covenant up.. on the breaker, Jer. xxxiv. r8. ' And I will give the men that have tranfgreffed my covenant, wh ich have ,pot performed the words of the covenant whieh they had made before me, when th ey cu t the calf in twain ~nd paff~d b~tween the parts thereof;' or rather, more · 3grec-.