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•• -76 ·Inferences frmz . glory of the reparation, even as 4dam the perfonal . blame of th'e ruin, Zech. vi. 13. And ~t this rate, the foul doth in time, for her own part, give her folemn approbation ofth~ covenant made from eternity, and 4 perronal confent to what Chrifi from everlafiing con– :fepted to, in her name : even as the princefs married byproxy, in her chi.ldhood, ratifies all when fhe is c01ne to age, by receiving her hufband. Likeas all Adam's children, as fuch, taking falvation to heart, and there· . fore covenanting with Go.d, do in effect, repeat the covenant of works made with Adam their reprefenta• tive: fo all the fecond Adam's feed, as !uch, taking falvation to heart, and therefore cov~nanting with God, do in dfe&, repeat the covenant of grace made \Vith ~hrifi their repre[entative. In the making ofth~ covenant before the world began, the Father propofed to Chrifi, as fecond Adam, their Head and ·Reprefen-. tative, that he l'hould take burden upon him for them, :Jnd be their Kinfman redeemer, their Surety for their rlebt of punilhment an.d -duty, and their Priefi: and Chrifl: confented thereto fron~ eternity. Amen, for my part, fays the eleCl: foul, in time, in the covenant– ing day : 'tis infinitely \V~ll ordered; I'm a lofi finner, · ~ debtor to Divine jufiice, a guilty creature ; he's, with ~y whole heart and foul, my Kinfman-redeemer, my Surety, my Priefi : my part of the punifhment incur• , red, and of the· duty owing, is a vafi and exceeding great part bf that debt; but rp.y foulls well content ()f, and refl:s in that method ofpaying it. 2 Sarn. xxlii. 5· ' H~ hath made with me an everlafiing covenant," (Hebr• . ' He hath put to me ~n everlafiing covenant) t,his is ~11 my falvation, and all my defire.' The Fa– th er f.1id to Chri!l; ~s their reprefentative, for thy fo doing and fuffering, ' I will be th~ir God, 7md they iliaH be my people:~ ·Amen, faid Chrifi from eterni· ty; All min~ thine, John xvii. 10. Ame,n, for my part, f.1ys the eleB: foul in the tim·e of perfonal ~pveuantix1g. This heo.rt of min~ _1nuil bave fm·ne ' God,