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88 Yhe Part ofthe,Covenant~ Ifa. liii .. 1 1. ' By lhall my righteous fer· vantjufiify many, i~,by the knowledgeoracknowledgment of him, is by faith. (2.) They .have the law ofGod in their hearts. The righteous people; righeous by faith, are a holy people. They make con– fcience of internal obedience : for the holy law rules within them, even there whither no eye reacheth, but the eyes of God and their own confciences. So they are difiinguHhed from hypocrites, who are ' like-unto \Vhited fepulchres, beautiful outward, but within full of all uncleannefs.' They make confcience of exter– nal' obedience too: for, as the candle burning ~ithin · the ~anthorn, will ihine through it; fo the law ofGod ruling ia the heart, cannot mifs to rule in the life and converfation too, Mat. vi. 22. ' If therefore thine eye be fingle, thy whole body £hall be full of light .' And fo they are difiingui!hed from the profane, whofe un– holy lives declare them to have neither part nor lot in this righteoufnefs, Pfal. xxiv. 3, 4· ' Who £hall fiand ·in his He that bath clean hands~ ' · , And the law is not only in their minds, by its light, to drive them to obedience ; as in the cafe of legalifis, who \vork like naves : but it is in their hearts and af– feB:ions, difcovering to tkeir fouls the beauty of holi– nefs; and fo drawing them to all obedience·, and cauf– ing them to work like_ions to a father. Their hearts are reconciled to the purity of the holy law, and they ~ delight in it after the inw~rd man,' Rom. vii. 22. and would fain reach a full conformity unto it, faying , from the heart, ' 0 that my ways· were direB:ed t<? keep thy fiatutes ?' Pfal. c:xix. 5· Secondly, To unfold that righteoufnefs, the fulfil- , ling of which was made the condition of the covenant ofgrace, we fhaH view it . in feveral parts thereof. That righteoufi1efs, forafinuch as it was to be fulfilled in the room and Head of finners, was and mufi be, fiated from the law or broken covenant ofworks, which / they IJI