74 The great Gofpel-Myfiery ofthe Saint' coinfort and&line: of Matthew, he was therebaptized, and hedid not appear in glory : but now herehe appears in glory.; and there- fore fales the Lord, now Hear him:; this is your glorious Saviour, Hear him. Beloved ! what greater glory can Je- fusChrii!: appear to your fouls in, than this, the glory of his love? he takes every one of your Duties, and your Prayers,and he carries them in to the bofome of God the Father, and by him you have acceptance. Oh ! what a glorious Saviour haveye ! therefore Hear him : This is that, if any thing, will make ye very Obedient to Chrifi, ,more than to Moles, to be Evangelical in all your Du. ties. Yet further, The mare a man can recyce in_firitualpriviled- ges with humility : and the more humble a man is, andyct can re- Joyce in hisPritual priviledges, the more holy:he it : there goes a great deal of flolinefs to it, to joyn there two together fora man to rejoyce in his fpiritual priviledges and yet to be humble: and,to walk very humbly. Some there are, that look upon their fpiritual priviledges, and rejt yce much; but they don't walk humbly : Some labour to walk humbly, and are much troubled in the confiderati- on of their own evil; but they don't rejoyce in theirfpiri- tual priviledges. Give me a Chriftian that cloth both, and he is a bleffedman. The ftudy of this Truth that is now before you, will teach you to do both,to do both to- gether : For, what a great priviledge is this, not a figh , not a groane, not a duty, but theLord Chrift takes it, and carries it in, and prefents it to God the Father for me, whereby I have acceptance Confidering this; here is matter of much joy and rejoycing. I but, It is Chrift that does it there is no fuch worthinefs in mine own duty; it were loft, and call away, ifJefus Chrift did not take it in his hand, and carry it into the bofom ofGod the Father; and therefore, why fhould I not walk humbly. I conclude all with this, If that the Lord Jefus Chrift, our great High-Prieft, offers up all our Gifts unto God tlraather, whereby we have acceptance : What infinite utile