Opened, andapplyed fromCHMST s Prieftly-Office. 77 Prieft in the 7. Chapter of this book of the Hebrews,and the 6. verfe, faith, That he bleffed Abraham: But he wbofe de- fcent is not counted from them, received tithes of Abraham, and Bleftedhim that had the Promifes. So then, this Blefling of the people, beingthework ofboth the High-Priefts ; and both Aaron andMelehifidec being great types ofJefus Chrift our High-Prieft ; Surely, it muft needsbe one ofthe great works ofour High-Priea, for to bleffe thepeople. For the opening, and cleering up of this Truth, I (hall endeavour to difcover : Firft, What the Bleffing ofChrifl our HighPriefi is, where- in it confifts, and what Chrift doth when he doth Well the people. Secondly, That it belongs unto jefus Chriji effecially, for to Bleg the.people. Thirdly, That our Lord and Saviour Chrift, our great High- Priefi is exceedingwilling for to Biell poor finners ' and that this Bidingof thepeople, is a workwhereunto be is much inclined, and wherein he it much delighted. Fourthly, That he doth this, ancidoth it fully. Fifthly, according to our method : How all this doth con- duce unto our Comfort, andunto our Holinefl. Firft, Ifye aske: me, What the-Blejfing of Chri, f 11 and of the gritefl. Goffiel u ; andwherein it confine ? I anfwer Firft in the General, nat the Blejfing ofthe Gof- Ataftv. PA andofCbrift, confifieth in Spiritual things effiecially, andnot inTemporal. And therefore faith the Apoftle, in that a .of the Ephefialas, and the 3. verfe: Bided be the God and Father ofour Lordjefus Chrift, who bath bided us , with all Spiritual hidings, in Heavenlyplaces in Chrift. The Curie, and Judg- ments of God, that do befal men now under ,the Gofpel, are not in outward affliEtions, and bodily troubles fo ,much ; as in Spiritual miferies, Blindnefs of mind, and Hardnefs ofheart : And foalfo on the contrary, the blef- Engofthe Gofpel, doth not confift fo much in Outward things, as inSpiritual ; IPho loath bleffed us with Spiritual bleffing,s. Indeed, if we look into the old Teitament we fhall