Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

The great Gofpel-Myilery of the Saintstornfort and holinefl: .fhall find, That when 2/ofei did blefs the people, he blefi them much inTemporal bleffings. in the 28. ofDeuterono- my, and the 2. verfe. All thefe thingsfhall come upon thee, and overtake thee, ifthou (halt hearken to the voice ofthe Lord thy God. What bleffingsarethofe Blefed;halt thou be in the city, and blefjedfhalt thou be in thefield : blefjedfhall be the fruit ofthy bo- dy, and the fruit ofthy ground, and thefruit of thy eattel, the in- create of thy !line, and theflockofthy (beep : .blered fball be thy basket and thy fore. Thus he,goes on in outwardbIeffings. But now, it we look into the Cofpel, and confider the blef- fings ofJefus Chriit, and lay them together with Mofes, we ;hall find them to be Spiritual bleflings. In the 5. ofA at- them, and the 3 verfe, &c. Bleffedare the poor in Pirit, for their's is the Kingdom ofHeaven: Bleffed are thofe that mourn, for they Pall be comforted. Indeed the promife -ofthe earth .comes in at thee. verf; but he returns again to Spiritual hidings : Blefejd are they which hunger andthirfl after righte- oufnefs' 5 for they (hall be filled. Bleffed are the pure in heart; for they 'ball lee God. Here are Spiritual bleflings; this is the fiream ofthe Gofpel, it runs this way. When the Lord bleflith a man, he gives him that which is futable to him. In the times of the Gofpel, men are more Spiritual than they were in the timesof the Law; therefore Gofpel -blef- fings, they are Spiritual bleffings. Every thing gives, and communicates to another, according to what it hath it fell : The sun communicates light unto theworld ; becaufe it hath light it Pelf: And man communicates thenature of man unto his child, becaufe he bath the natureof man himfelf. So our Lord Chriff, when he Bleffes, he com- municates according unto what he hath himfelf; and his bleffrigs efpecially confifiing in fpiritual things, fo he doth bleffe. Indeed, as in the times of the Old Tellament there were Spiritual bleflings, that were IrliXt with Tempo ral, by vertue ofthe Covenant that was made withAbra- ham : So now, Outward bleffings are thrown in as ano- verplus : but yet notwithflanding, though theybe norfpr- ritual in their nature, they are fpiritual in theirendi and fo