Opened, andapplied fiomCHRIST s Priefily-Office. 79 fo it is true to fay, That thebleffing oftheGofpel, and of Chrift is a fpiritual But more particularly, ifye askme wherein this confift- eth ? I fhall name but Two things : Firfi, This Bleffingof the Cole', or of Chrifl, it confills in a fupernatural, andffiritual injoyment ofGod in Chrift, the love and favour of God in Chrili. When the Priefis bled in the times ofthe old Teita.ment,in that 6. of2\7arnbers, they laid, The Lord caufe hisfacefor toThine uponyou. The Lord make his facefor tofloine upon thee, and begracious unto thee : the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee : the Lordblefie thee, and kepe thee. Verfe, 24, 25, z6. Which the Apoffle Paul expounding, in the 2 Cor. the 13. Chapter and the 54. verfe, renders it thus: Thegrace of the Lord jefus Chrifi, and the love ofGod, and the communion of the holy Ghofi, be with you all. Amen. The Lord bleffe thee, the Lord caufe his face to thine upon you ; the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you Three times, the Lord, the Lord, the Lord ; noting the. Trinity ; which the Apoftle here explains by the Father, the Son, and theholy Spirit. Blefed are the pure inheart: for Mat.5.S they fhall fee God. Seeing of God, is a Welling out of the mouthofChrifi, a Gofpel-blefling. And what is it for a Man to fee God ? In the phrafeof theold Teffament,the He- brew, to See, it is ordinarily ufed for to lnjoy. In the 4. Tfalme. Who will them us any good? The word in the He- brew is, Who will make u to See any good ? that is to In- joy good. So then to fee God it is to inloy him. When 7acob id,oyeci God, he faw him ; and the place it was cal- led, Fade! 5 for he had feen the Lordpand there the Lord bleft him. There's no feeing ofGod but inChrift. And therefore! fay, that herein confifts the bleffmg of the Cof- pel, in a fUpernatural, and fpiritual injoymentof ,Cod in Chrift, thefavour and love of God in Chrift-, Again, It confills alfo, intim Inhabitation ofthe holy Ghoff 2 =our hearts : the giving out'ofthe holy Ghofi unto the hearts of men. And therefore it is added in that place of the Coin thians And the Communion of the holy Ghoirl, be with you all Amen.