Thegreat Gofpel-Myftery of the Saintscomfort andholinefi': Amen. That mull needs be thegreat blellingoftheGofpel, and fo ofChrift; that is the thingpromifed in theGofpel. What is that ? If we look into the I. Chapter of the Aar oftheApottles, and the verfe, It isPaid thereofthe Difci- pies, That they (bouldwaitfor the promife oftheFather. Chrift commanded them that they fhould not depart from Jerufa- lem, but wait for the promife of the Father. What is that? We knowwhat it was and is, that which befel afterward ; it was the giving out of the holy Ghoft : the holy Ghoft fell upon them, & this is called THEpromife ofthe Father. That as in the times of the OldTenement, the promife was, thegiving of theSon, and corning ofthe Second Perfon : So after Chrift came, thegreat promife was, the comingof theThird Perfon, and the givingof the holy Ghon. When' I amgone (faith Chrift)I'lefendyeanother Comforter. He that beleeveth, out of his belly fballflow rivers ofliving water. This he fpakeconcerning the Spirit, which was not yet given, in thofe extraordinary emanations ofgifts and graces, be- caufe he was not yet glorified. So then, the great Bleffing that was to be given unto the children of-men, the great Gofpel-blefling,was the givingout ofthe holyGhoft : this is a Gofpel-bleffing indeed. . Well, But whit cloth Chriff do, whenhe cloth Blefl ? nfro . z It's obfervable, that when any Superiour did Bleffe; a father did blefle his child, or the like, he didobfervewhat was thechoice mercy, and good in thole times, and'he did with that unto his child, or unto his inferiour. And fo in 'Pao, and Jacobs time ; the choice good itwas, Thedewof Heaven : and when they did bleffe their children, they wifh't unto them the dew off-leaven. So now, when our Lord lefus, our great High-Priett cloth blare any man; obferving that the choice mercyof theGofpel, istheHoy- rnent ofGod in Chrift, the favour and love of God, and the giving out ofthe holy Choft into a mans heart ; he doth with all this good unto him, andhe faies unto God the Fa- ther ; Lord, let this poor foul have thyfavour ; Ohl caufe thy face tofbineupon this poor foul, andgiveout the holy Ghofi unto it that t may wall after the fjirit. In