Opened, andapplied from Gnat s Priefily-Office. 8 In the Second place, It's obfervable, That when the Priefts didBleffe the people, they did not barely withgood Unto them, but they did Authoratatively pronounce them bleffed. They Pall put my name upon them (faith the Lord) Numb. 6. when they bleg. So when the LordChrift, our great High- 27. Prieft, doth Bleffe a man, be does not barely with him good, The Lordcaufe his face for to thine upon that foul, in a way of wifhing : but theLord Chrift being a High- Prieft,when he bleffeth,hedoth authoratatively pronounce inch a foul to be Bleffed. Thirdly, When the Prieft Eldred, hedid not only pro- 3. nounce the people Eldred : but in theMelling ofthe Prieft, there was a kind of Binding-power; it had the power, force, and efficacy of an Abfolution . And therefore as Ghrill faies unto his Difciples, Go, and whofoever finsye re- mit they Pall be remitted : I'le Randby you in it. So faith the Lord in that fameplace, the 6. ofNumbers. On this wife 'bailie blef; the children of *ad, faying unto them, The Lord bleftethee, andbeep thee. andat the 27. verfe, They fhall put my Name upon the children oflfrael, andI will bleffe them. Pie ftand by them in this. Sowhen the Lord Jefus Chrift, our great High-Prieft, doth Bleffe he doth not only pro- nounce a man to be Bleffed, but hedoth Abfolve him from all his fins : & (faithhe) by authority that is given to me frommy father, the Keyes that are put into my hand, I do Bind this blefling upon this poor foul. Further, The Prieft when he bleffed, indeed he could with well,, andhecould pronounce a man bided ; and he might Abfolve : but hecould go no further, he could not confer the Bleffing, he couldnot bellow the Biding : But our LordChrift, being an High-Prieft beyond all the High- Priefts that ever were before him in this refpe& too ; where hedoth Bleffe, beftoweth the Melling, being God and man, he beftoweth theBleffing. In the Fifth place, This our great High-Prieft, being 5. God and Man ; look howCod Bleffeth, fo doth he Bleffe. In the Scripture, ye than. find, That whenGod the Father o Bleffed