-,Opened, andappliedfrOnt GERI s'r s Prieftly-Office. 91 Further, When a man is bleffed by God, or Unlit ; he 2. is drawn nearer to God by all outward things, by all things : Come ye Blefed, Go ye Curfed. Bleffing hath an attraedve Nature, Comeye Blejid: when the Lord Chrift does blefs a man, he doesdraw him, Comic Eleffed. When a man is brought nearer to God byAffii&ion, he is blefled: when a man is brought nearer to God by his Hate, by any Comfort, by any Sorrow, here is blefling, Come ye Blefj d. Biding draws one nearer to God with a cordof love. Thirdly, Where the Lord does Blefs, be does caufe a man to Increafe andMultiply, in that thingwherein be is Eleft. Increa- fingand Multiplying, is fo natural unto Bleffing, that in theOriginal tongues ofthe old and new Teftament, is put for Biding. I will giveyou but one clear place for it in the new Teftament, the 2 Cor. 9. Chapter, 5. verfe. Therefore I thought it neceffary to exhort the brethren, that they would go before unto ye, and make up before hand your Bounty. The word is, your B Where- ofyou had notice before; that the fame might be ready at a matter ofBounty. The word is, as a matter ofBiding. But -efpecially in the next verfe. But this I fay, he which low- eth fparingly, Thal reap fparingly : and he which roweth bountifully, (hall reap bountifully. And he which fowetb with Bleffing (as it is in the Original) Pall reap with Biding: And here 'cis oppofed to Sparingly, and tranilated Bounti- fully. Where the Lord does bleffe, he does alwaies caufe a man to Increafe and Multiply. Now beloved in theLord, I appeal unto all'your fouls, you that make this Obje&ion , that are afraid the Lord Chrift hath not bleft you as your High-Prieft, bath not laid his hand upon you, and bleft you : yet don't ye know more ofChrift than ye have known-before ? bath not the hidden truths of the Gofpel been increafed and multiplied upon your hearts ? bath not your hearts been brought nee- rer to GOd by Affii&ion ? hath not your fouls been drawn neerer toGod by his outward dealings with you ? And as Abrahamwas therefore bleft, becaufe he was made a blef- 2/ frog