Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

92 Thegreat Gorpel-Myfiery ofthe Saintscomfort andholineff: fang to others,: So I appeartoye, have noryour Parts,Gifts, and Graces, in fome meafure been bleffings unto others, e- ven unto your poor Family, and unto others alfo ? Then be of good Comfort (man or woman) where ever thou ftand'it, the LordChrift hath blea thee, and thou (halt be bleed, hold up thy head poor bleffed foul, the. Lord Jefus hath bled thee : when the Lorddid lay this bleffing upon thee, I cannot tell thee, but I find thee a bleffed man, flay thy Pelfupon the Lord, cheerup thy drooping, heart, thou art-a blefied foul. But youwill fay, .mow does this make_ unto our Holinef; ? confefs this is a very Comfortable Cordial, That the Lord jefits Chriji is in office to blefs poorinners; but how does this conduce unto our Holinefe An Very much : This holds forth,great incouragement, unto rt,, all poor fanners for to cometo Chria, and tocome without delay. Why ? Once come to Chrift and bleffed ; but without Chrift and Curled : an enemy to jefus and a Curfed man : Curfed in thy Fiore-houfe ; Cur- led in thy basket ; and Curled in all things that thou putteft thine hand unto. Oh ! then, will you not come to Chria , that you may be Bleffed : That day that a poor foul comes unto Chrift, whatever hehath been he is bleffed : that day may be called Gilgal, for then the Curfe isrouled away fromhim. Blered is the manwhofe ini- quity is forgiven, and whole fin is pardoned. The fira day, the &ft minute that he comes to Chrift, his fin is pardoned, and he is bleffed. Who would not then come unto Chrift prefently,that he may be Weil for ever ? When as Efauhad fold his Birth-right for a mefs of pottage, the Lord look't upon him as a Prophane man, and he ftands upon record' in Scripture for a Prophane man unto this day, becaufe fold his Birth-right. And faies the text, Though he fought the B leffing (it was a bleffing) with tears, he never recovered it. The Lord feats Chrift, he is now among us, and offering toblefs ; and ifI will ratherkeep my tins than come unr Lc) Jet=Chrifi,theLord,will lookupon men a Pool haste man ; .