94 Thegreat Gofpel-Myftery ofthe Saints comfort andbonnet?: 2 down upon your knees to your outward father ? Oh! chil-, dren, down, down upon your knees before the Lord Jefus Chrift, and go to him for his bleffing. Some ofyou (it may be) never went yet to Chrift for his biding; ye have lived fo many yeers, ten, eleven, or twelve yeers, and ne- ver went to Chrift as a High-Prieft, for his biding all this while : Oh! what a mighty incouragement is here unto all men to come to Chrift, that they may be bleffed by him. Eut yet further, As there is an incouragement for to come unto Chrifi : So this argument does alto income' age to to goon in thegood wales of Cbriff, notwithfianding all oppofition that we meet withal! : (I fay) it does (peak incouragement, togo on in the face ofall oppofition. For when Abraham had been at battel, then came Nelchifedec the High-Priell to blefs him : And when a poor foul goes out tobattel for Chrift, then comes our great ffielchifedec, our High-Prieft, and bleffes that foul. The time of oppofition, it is the time ofChrifts hieing. Therefore, why lhould I be dif- couraged, or beaten out of the way ofChrift, by reafon of any oppofition, though it be never fo great ? Times of op- pofitionare Chrifts bleffing-time. Again, This argument, does not only (peak incourage- ment again ft all oppofithan : Butit does alfo incourage no to go on in the good waies of God when tieare called unto it, though we have but little firengtb,and weakparts. Though there be but little oyle in the Crufe, though there be but little meal in the barrel, ifChrift call to the work, he will blefs a man in it: and whenChrifl bleffes, he does multiply and in- creafe a mans parts in the ufing of them. As when he com- manded them to fit down, and eat, he did multiply, and in- creafe the bread in their eating : So now, does Chrift call me to any work or fervice, well then, though I amweak, though have not ogleenough, though I have not meal e- nough, though I have not ftrength enough ; yet the Lord Clarifc will blefs, and when he bleffe,. he does increafe and multiply : and therefore, whyMould Inot goon upon his work,