Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

97 Aithl*AtAt'APAMMAAMAMA ---4aa-uof -4-Aff 11011.ilMt OAOA i*ii*V+ITOMMii*MVW SA T ANS Power to tempt AND H.R.ISTS love to , and care of, his people under temptation. REBRIEWES 2. IS. For in that He himfelfhathfsjPred being tempted) he Preached is able tofiteconr tbeni that are tempted. at Mar- g rets J11+1410 H E Scope and Drift of this Epifile, is to New- " rai fe and flrengthen the faith ofthe He- fiih fireet ase brewes, and fo the faith of thofe that are Oefob. 5. weak in grace. Our Apoille Pau/ there- 1646. WSJA41 o fore (whom I take to be the Pen-man) .c.RO, labours todifcover the tranfcendent Ex- cellencyofJefus Chrift,with his love and good-will to theChildren of men. And becaufe his FX- cellencies,were either fuch as relate his Perfon;or fuch as re- late his Offices, ofKing,Prieft, & Prophet : He tels us in the q fira