and care of, his People under Temptation. And would you have an Account, or a Reafon of all this ? it is, that he might thewmercy unto the children of men, verfe the i 7. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto IN brethren, that he might be a merciful and faith- ful High-Priefi, in thingspartaining to God, to male reconciliati- on for the fins ofthe people. Ifhe were not made like unto us in regard ofour infirmities, he could not fo experimental- ly pity us under our infirmities : Ifhe were not tempted like unto us, he could not lo feelingly fuccour us under our temptation ; and fo he had not been fo fit to have beenour High-Prieft : but our High-Prieft he is gone into the holy ofholiefi, to make reconciliation for the fins ofthe people. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made likeunto us, that he might be a merciful and faithful High-Prieft For in that hehimfelfhatbfuferedbeing tempted, be is able tofuc- caw them that are tempted, I will not hold you longer in the Coherence, or Divifi- on ofthe words, or further Explication : I (hall open the words (God willing) more particularly, and diftinaly,as I than come to the Obfervations that shall be raifed from them. And I begin with the laft, being made the reafon of the former. For in that he himPelfbath ftsferedbeing temp- ted, he is able to flavour them that are tempted. Tempted twice : He tempted, and They tempted. This word :tempted, or Tempt; it is given in Scripture phrafe, fometimes to God, fometimes to Man, and tome - times to the Devil; and accordingly it is ufed Three wales Sometimes it is ufed for to Prove; and fo God is faid for to Tempt, in the 13. of Deuteronomy. Sometimes it is ufed for to Try, to make experiment ofa Thing, or a Perfon, whom or which we didnot knowbefore 5 and fo it is given to Man (as I take it) in the 6. ofYndge.r. Sometimes it is ufed for a So- licitation, andDrawing untowhat is evil 5 and fo it is given unto theDevil, in the 4. ofMatthew, Chrift was led into the wildernell to be tempted. If ye look into the Scripture, ye don't find in all the old Teflament, that the word Tempta- tion is given to Satan, that Satan was faid to Tempt any : q 2 Satan 99