zoo Satanspower to Tempt ; andChrift's love to, Satan did frequently Tempt,we reade in theoldTeftament; but 1 fay, the word Tempt is not given unto him. Satan tempted fob, but Job's aftliEtions in the old Teflarnent, are not called Satans temptations. As our Lord and Saviour Chrift in theold Teilament was Vall'd the old. Tellament was full ofChri ft, yet Chrift was hidden there., So was Satan and his temptations mask't. Now when the light of theglorious Gofpel fhined more cleerly in the comming of jefus Chaff, as Chrifts vail was taken off, fo Satans Mask was taken off; Satans temptations are no longer cal- led affli&ions, but bare Temptations, throughout the new-Teftament. Indeed, this word Temptation, in the phrafe ofthe newTeflament, is ufed fometimes for Afflitli. on; Sometimes for Satans Suggeflions ; fometimes for our awn Sins. Temptation ufed for ourAfflitiions in the z . of fames, 2. verfe, Rejoyce whenye fall into divers temptations. That is, Affiit-lions. Sometimes for the Devils fitggeftions, Solicitations to evil. So in the 4. ofMatthew, Chrifi is ledin- to the wildernefs' to be tempted. Sometimes for our own fins. Galatians the 6 chapter, and the 1. verfe. ifany man be over- taknwith an infirmity ,you that are#iritual, reflore him, confi- dering thatyoualp may be tempted. Now though our Savi- our Chrift is Paid to be Tempted, in the two firft refpeEts, and not in the third ; yet when it is laid here in the text, He himfelf bathMired being tempted; I take it to be meant in the fecond way, not the firft : for otherwife, there would be an identity thus : He himfelf bath fuffered; having: fuffered ; that would bethe fenfe of it elfe. And though we our felves are Paid to be tempted in all three refpeEts, In regard of Afflillions, Satans Suggeflionr, and our own Cor- ruptions, andSins ; yet cry hen it is laid in the latter end of the verfe, He is able tofuccour them that are tempted; I take it to be meant efpecially in he two laft refpe&s, and not in the firft :.for it hath relation unto that which_ goes = before thela ft verfebeing a reafonof the latter end of the r7.verf. To male reconciliationfor thefins ofthe people, forinthat he lours- filfbath fifered; being tempted, ii able to faccovr them that are