and eAre of his People under Temptation. are tempted. Hence the Obfervation that I (hall prefent un- to you is only this. That Goddoth fuff e. r his own Servants, and dearefi Children, vou. to be foray tempted. Tea, even to fufer by the handof the temp- tation. Our Lord and Saviour Chrift, the Son ofGod, the only Beloved Son ofGod, yet faith the text, He himjelf bath . fuffered being tempted: not only tempted, but fujfered being tempted. And it is Paid, of hisBrethren, (for fo his people- are called, in the beginning ofthe I 7. verfe) that they are tempted : He isable tofuccour them that are tempted. Saccou- ringprefitppoleth For theopening, and clearingof this Truth; I fhall de- liver my fel t thefe Three waies. Fiat, That there is a juiftring, Affliliiveddofition in ever, Temptation though. it don't prevail; Secondly, That the Saints andPeople of God do thus ruffer, andwhy ? Thirdly, Anfwer to an ObjeUion and fo come to the Ap- plication. Firft, There is a Vexing, Corroding, Affiillive dilhofition in r. every temptation, when it taker lee, though it do not prevaile. Thefe Granadoes, fire-ball, fire-darts of Satan have aclan- 'ger with them ; though theydo not burn down our fpiri- tual building to the ground, they are affii&ive, there is fomewhat ofa ruffedng with them. Paul cal s his buffetings, a.thorn,or aprick in theflefh a-Buffetting and therefore "If- figlive ; a thorn, or a prick in the felh, and therefore /fine. Notable is that expreffion which our Saviour Chrifb ufeth, in the 2-2. Of Luke., at the 31. verfe, to Peter. Simon,. Simon , Satan bath defired to have you, thathe may fifeyou as wheat-. There is never a word here, but carries a fuffering with it; It is Tome afiiiecion, to have fo great an Adverfa- ry as an Angel is, who is great in Polk er the Devil is cal- led an Angel, and he is called Satan, that is an Adverfa- ,ry. [Satan bath defired] t he word that is ufed there, re( ired, r it is not tifed again in the new Teflament, has I remember) ,117.1147W. 7D / TO1