IO2 Satans r to Tempt; andChrill's love to, But in other Authors that ufe it , it fignifies fuch a De- firing, as when one man does challenge another into the field to a Duel : Or fuch a Defiring, as when a man comes and cals for open, and publick Punifhment upon a man : and all this istSuffering, and AffiiJiive. Or, as your tranf- lation hath it : Satan bath defired to Have you. He does not fay thus : Satan bath deiired to Sift you ; but Satan hath defired to Haveyott. Is it not an affliftion to a child, to hear a Leger stand craving, and begging of his father to have him away, to carry him away from his houfe There is never a Temptation, but in that Temptation Sa- tan defires to Have you, you that are the Children ofGod, Satan desires to have you. Then again, He bath defired to have you that he may [lift you at reheat.] Now though in lif- ting, there is a feparation between the cb aff and the wheat, yet it is not without a concutlion, and a fhaking of the wheat : the wheat and the grain is fhaken, though the chaffebe blown afide, and laid on heaps. And though through the skil of the lifter, the wheat maybe fo kept, as it does not fal into the chaffe-heap ; yet notwithilanding,' there is famedanger in lifting, that the grain fhould fall o- ver into the heap ofchaffe, and be burnt with the chaffe So here. Efpecially where Satan, the great defiroyer of man-kind, 'bath the fan in his hand : Saith Chrifi, Satan bathdefired to haveyou, and bath defired to have you, that be. may fifty ou awheat ; and I tell you, there is fo much dan. ger in it that nothing but my prayer can fecure you, But Ihave prayedforyou. So that you fee, there is fornethingof a Suffering in a Temptation. You know it was a Law in the old Teftament, that if a woman were abroade in the fields, and there met her tome that offered violence to her ; iffhe cryed out, and did not content, the was not guilty; but now, though the were not guilty, but inocent, if file were abuted, it wouldbe a continual afiliEtion, to a modelt good woman. So it is here, Satan comes to meetets, and thorIgh wedo not content to him, yet a gracious heart can not but look upon it as an affii6tion, to be thus followed, an