and carefor,bir People under Temptation. 105 by being tempted to another. AndPaul faies, That be re- ceived that meffenger ofSatan, twice, that he might not be exal- ted. God fuffers his children to be tempted, flat their graces 4. may be increafed. As the fire is blown up by the wind ofthe bellows ; and the firength ofan Argument, draws out the ftrength ofthe Anfwerer : So does thefe temptations draw out the ftrengthof the tempted. God fuffers his Children to be tempted, That they may be 5. difccvered to themfelves,andothers ; what theirfins & graces are. You don't knowwhat the liquor is, till the vefiel be bored, then you know it. And the word that is ufed here for Temptation, Originally fignifies to bore, as a veffel is bored. 7estgery.a. The love ofa woman is never more known, than when her husband is from home, and fl.e isfoliated to folly, then her love iF, tryed to her husband. God fuffers his children to be tempted, That occafionally they may be made morefit to receive the fulnefi ofChrifi as a Savi- our. Aman not tempted may receive the fulnefsofChrift as the head : but unleffe a man be tempted, not fit to, re ceive the fulnefs ofChrifi as a Saviour. Hereby they are made like unto 7efiits Chrifi was 7. made like to us, that he might be tempted ; and we are tempted that we may bemade like to him. He was made like to us, that he might be tempted, and lo become our High-Prieft : 2nd we are tempted, that we nay be made like to him, and receive of the mercy of that office:. He was made like tous and tempted, that he might have com- munion withus in the evil ofour temptation : and we are made like tohim and tempted as he was, that we might have communion with him in the benefit of his temptati- ons. For thefe and other reafons, God fuffers his chil- dren tobe tempted. But my defign is not to fall upon the argument ofTemptation adarge ; only to fpeak of the Suf. feringpart ofit : For in that hefuffetedbeing once tempted, he it able tofttccour thofe that are temped. Anduponshe feantereafon, or account, that God fuffe- \ r red