Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

andcare for, his Peopleunder Temptation. III a cunningLawyer comes, andwrites upon the back-fideof your Evidence, Naught, naught : will ye becaufe of that, joyn with him and fay , that your Father bath given you nothing Chrift hath given you in a great Eitate of Mer- cy, and hath given you good Evidences for it ; and Satan now, comes &writes upon the back fideof your Evidence, and faies, This is naught. Will you joyn with him againft God andChria ? what wrong is this to his love ? thinkof it, I pray, you that are the Saints and peopleof God : Be bumbled under every temptation, though it be neverJO(mall ; but never quellion your condition, thoughyour temptation be never great. There is incked, fomething of a fuffering, a malignant quality,an affliaionin every temptation when it takes leaff: and therfore, look how youwould walk under an affliai- on, fo walk under your temptation. In your aflli&ion, you will walk Humbly fo under your temptation do. In= your affliCtion, you will examine the Caufe, efpecially if your affliaion lie long upon you : So in your temptations do. Inyour affli&ion, you will Peek God Early : So in the morning of your. temptation do. In theday of your affliaion; your will Engage to God ; the day ofaffliftion, is the day ofengaging, and you fay, Oh ! if the Lord-will deliver me, through his grace I will do fo and fo : So in your temptation do. In your affliaion, you will take heed of thole fins that you arernoll apt unto in the time of afli &ion : fo do in the time of your temptation : For ex.:- ample thus : in affliCrion, a man is veryapt to be difcoura- ' ged; to have his heart fink and to die within- him: So in, temptation, take heed 'ofthat. In afiliEtion, a. trran is apt ,fo to tnindlhis.prefent burden; as to forgit all his former mercy : fo in the timeoftemptatiOn takeheed of that., , In thetitneofalliEtion;a.man itvery:aptto be froward; 'and' impatient, to break out intofrowardnefi, and impatiency though hedidnot fo befor: Asthewoodthat is laid'up- on,the fire; fendiforth filth-which you did' not .fee in the Avood,btfOreitvanietipon/hifiiaz Sotnenlarcapr to find Il forth::