Satans power torempt 5 andChrift's loveto, 113 matter : temptations I have, and great temptations, where ever Igo, in every bufinefl : but Oh ! how jhould Ifo order things, and mannage In) thoughts, and my,heart, as that I may be able fo to trakunder tbefi temptations,that I may havepeace andcomfort in the latter end. Beloved, the next point tels us, That JefusChritt is a fuccouring Chriti to all his tempted people : and I intend (Godwilling) to thew you, how thrift fuccours, and how we thould draw fuccour from him under temptations, lint for the prefent, give ma leave to give you fome Rules, and DireEtions, againfl thefc fatiering temptations, and fo I will winde up all. Fiat, Take heed thatyou don't yeeld to any thing, that you may be rid of; that youdon't yeeld to anypart ofthe temptation, thatyou may be delivered from. It is more eafy to keep the E- nemy out of the town, than to get him out when he is come into it : if he get inzo thetown, and get into the market- place, it will be a more hard thing toget him out again. It is an eafie thing to keep a none on the top of an hill, while it lies there ; but when once it begins to roul down, it is a hard thing to flay it, and you cannot fay how far it than go : How many are there that fay when they are tempted, I'leyeeld but once, Ile yeeld but a little, and Ple never yeeld again, this is the laft time : Ohl but, your once yeelding, and your yeelding but a little, ingages your heart to the whole work. you thould watch and pray a- gainit temptation ; Watcb anelpray thatyeenter not into temp- tation : he does not fay; Watch and pray, that you be not tempted; but watch andray, that you enter not into temp- tation. 'Tis one thing fKir temptation to knock at the door, and another thing to come in ; When temptation enters you, you enter into tempt 'don take heed ofthat. Again, Take beed thatyou don't carry the fin, and the guilt ofyour Old condition, into 4 .them condition. See your Call in- to a New condition, before you leave your Cld condition. Never count your felffafe, or fecure in any condition, but affoon a6 ever you come into any condition, obferve what are Aim d. 2.