Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

114 Satanspower toTempt; andChrift's love toy are the fnares, and temptations of that condition. Some there are that carry the evil of their former condition, into an after condition, into a new condition; and then as Ra- ehel carrying away her fathers Idols, temptedLaban to fol- low after. Some again, they don't much mind their Calling to a condition , nor don't go in the ftrength of their Call whereas you (hall obferve, thatwhen Peter was called to Rand before thePrinces, and Rulers, he did boldly profefre Chrift, becaufe his call did lead him thereunto: but when he was not Called into the High-Priefts hall, then he fall before a tempting wench. Others again there are, that think their condition wil fecure them : Oh faies one ifI werebut in fuch and filch a condition, then I fhould be fate and free from Satans temptations; whereas, feveral conditions, have feveral temptations : and the Devil does ufe fometimes to tempt a man to alter his condition, fo that byyour very avoiding a temptation you, fall into it. Take heeclofthis 3. Thirdly, Iftemptation do arife, obferve the temptation; and know that there :s. forne fuitable di#ofition ofyour own, wherein the Devil does lay that temptation, and labour to file, andpareojf that diftofition. Beloved, the Devil obferves the lituation ofour hearts, and accordingly does plant his Ordnance : hefeldom tempts, but he laieshis temptation in. our own difpofition, fomething futable unto the temptation. So when David had a mind to number the people, then the Devil {lands up, and provokes him to number the people futable to his own difpofition. When ourLord and Savi- our Chrift was anhungry, then he comes and tempts him to turn {tones into bread. When again, he cryed cut and faid, My God my God why haft thou forfakn me ? then faies the Devils inftruments, .ffthou be the Son of God, then, erne downandfbew thy filf. He does ufually Iay his temptation inour.owndifpofition that is futable to the temptation. And therefore, I fay, firlt obferve. the temptation, then knowyou have a difpofition ruhrenvient thereunto, and tha