and care of, his People under Temptation° it 5 the Devil laies his temptation in that difpoftion, and pre- fently fads to work, and labours to file, andpare off more and more that difpoittion in Jefus Chriit. Fourthly, 11 hen a temptation arijes, don't alwaiesft and to anfwer it in the kind, but jorfiettmes turnyour mind and thoughts oil it to another objeCi. 'I is inour deliverance from-a temp- tation, as in our comforts under an afiliaion : a man path a great affliEtion upon him ; poflibly the death of tome friend that isnear and dear unto him, and you go to comfort him, and in comforting him, you fall a fpeaking of his friend departed : whereas the way to comfort him, is not to fpeak of the perfon departed, but fall into confe- rence about Lome other good thing different; and by that time his heart is feded upon Come other thing, then you may come back again, and fpeak of the friend departed without grieving of him, but otherwife, even in your comfort you fetch out tears. And lo I fay in regard of temptation : theway to avoid temptation, is not alwaies to apply a falve dire&ly pertinent to the temptation ; but turnoff your mind and your thoughts to Come other good objea, and by that time your mind is Ceded upon other objeecs, you will be eably able to meet with the temptati- on. Fifthly, Above all things tak, thefbieldoffaith. Whom re- fifl fledfali in thefaith, Simon, Simon (faits our Saviour) Sa- tanbath defined to haveyou, that hemay winnowyou : but I have prayedfor thee, that thy faithfailenot : that mutt do it. Ihat famewoman that came to Chrift for her daughter, the met with great temptations : Therewas the temptation of her calamity; her daughter poffeit : 1 here was a tempta- tion = C,hrifts nut anfwering, but delaying his anfwer. There was a temptation of Chrifis feeming denial ; I am not fent but to the loll Peep of the houfe of Ifrael : There wasa temptation of her own unworthinefs; 'Th not lawful to take the childrens bread andto call it todogs : yet notwithitan- ding fhe beleeves, Gh I faies our Saviour, Woman, great is thyfaith, be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And fo I fay, though x 2 your 5.