and care of, his People under Temptation. 119 tAttAkTAWAt _ - WW-4$41444.14441A444i S E.ItMON II. Of TEM P'T .A .T I 0 N.'. HEBREWES) I8. or in that He himfelf loath fufered being tempted, he if able Preached to fuccour them that are tempted, 1444343 Y the word Tempted in the fir{l claufe, re- , 4.:, I ating to- Chrifi , we. are to underhand Satansfolzcztationx toe (as ye have read s_.dV' in the former Sermon : ) By the word KI,Aapeo Tempted in the laff claufe 5 He is able to fuccour them that are tempted, fpecially to- 044444/W underftand thole folicitations of Satan- and our own fins, bycomparing the former verfe with this. A s'if the Apoille fhould fay : For in that our Lord and Sa- viour Chriii was tempted bySatan, folicited to what was evil ; He is able to fuccour them that areboth, either foli- ated to evil, or overcome thereby. But how is it faid here, He is able to fucccur them that are tempted; in thathe hirnfelffttfered being tempted? Was he not as God, able to fuccour them thatare tempted ? Why then is it faid, In that hefufered being tempted, he is able toVitccour them that aretemptedt- There is'ant abilityof Sufficiency: and art ability of No- niet;h. AsGod (indeed) he isable to fuccour thole that are tempted.: but by being tempted in the flefh, he is able,that is,apt,and idonious to fuccour thole that are tempted. There' isanAbfolute ability and, a Refpeelive ability as he is High. at Mar_ grets New.. Efh ftreet OCiob.12 1646.