Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and carefor; his People under Temptation. Chrill is called our Friend. Is Satan called Didbato ? the Accufer, or theAccufer of the brethren : jefus Chrift is called our Advocate. Is Satan called a Deffroyer ? jefus Chrift is called our Saviour. Is Satan called a _Lyon, that goes up and down reeking whom he may devour ? Jefus Chriit is called a Lyon ofthe Tribe ofYudab. Is Satancalled a Serpent? and, Old Serpent ? Jefus Chrift is called the Erafen-Serpent. Still Names ofreliefe and fuccour anfwerableunto thofe Names of Satan. We than obferve, that there is no Evil in Sin,but there is fomewhat in the NameofJefus Chrift that fpeaks the con- trary, contrary fuccour. Is finne called cePoPlet or a tranfgreffion of the Law ? Jefus Chrift is called our Righte- oufneg : The Lord our Righteoufnefi. Is Sin called Folly ? je.. fusChrift is called Wifdom The Wifdom of the Father. Is fin called an Infirmity, or 114knef?? He iscalled the Rock., and the Roc&ages, and theArme ofthe Lord. Is fin called Darkneff ? He is called Ligbt. Is fincalled Pollution, or Vn- cleannefl ? His blood is the fountain openedforfin andfor un- cleannell towafb in. Is fin called Death ? He is called Life. Is there Ignorance in fin? He is called our Prophet, in oppofi- tion to that. Is 'there Diforder in fin? In oppofition to that, he is calledour King to order. Is there Guilt in fin ? In oppofition to that, he is called our Prie ; he is called our Propitiation, in that place of_john : But in the 3 . of the Romans, and the 25. verfe, He it called our Propitiatory: WhomGodhatblet forth tobe a Propitiation (fo you reade it ) but rather, a propitiatory : the Same Greek word that the Septuagint ufed for the jewesPropitiatory : And in that he is our Propitiation, or Propitiatory; this fpeaks him a fuccouringChrift. Famous was the fuccour, and reliefe that the jewes had from their Cities of refuge : and as ifthe holy Ghoft inten- ded the confirmation of thisTruth that is now before us, thofe Hebrew Names that were given to theCities offefuge aregiven to Chrift. Is any ofthe Cities of refuge called Kedefb ? fignifying Holy : He is called Hay, Hol y, Holy. y Was iAusgfroy: