222 Satans power to Tempt ; andChrifi's love% z. ei, 7anip rams. Was another City called Sheehem ? fignifying Shoulder : Vpon his Shoulder is the government; and the loft fheep brought home upon his Shoulder. Is another City called Hebron ? from Society, or FellowiTip : By himwe have fel- lowihip with the Father. Is another called, Golan ? lignify- ing one Revealed, or Manifefl ed : 'Tis Paid ofhim, He was Al anifefted in the Beal. Is another City called Famoth ? Things Exalted : Himhath God Exalted, and by him are all Exalted. In the phrafe of the new-Teflament, he is cal- led our Father, and our Brother, and our Friend, and our Sbepheard ; a hen, a Lamb, a Door : there's none of all his Names but (peak him full offweetnefs and loving dilpoli- don, and fuccour unto poor fouls. But that I may the better clear up this Truth I (hall deli- ver my felfchefe Four wales. 2hat jefus Chrifi is able tofuccour temptedfools. Secondly, That he is willing to do it. Thirdly, That he isfaithful indoing ofit. Fourthly, How he doth it, in the day and time oftheir temp- tation ; and fo come to the Application. Firft, He is able to do it. He is able to fuccour them that are tempted. He is able (faith our Apo-file in that. 17. of the Hebrews) to rave thofe that come unto Godby him, he is able to five them to thew-turnoff : As Satan tempts to the uttermoft, he is able to Cave to the utterrnoft. And as they fin to the uttermoff, he is able to Cave to the uttermoil. Aman is Paid tobe able to do all that which he hath a commiffion, and power fromGod to do : The Lord jefus Chrift in the 3. of the Romani' and the z5. was fet forth to be a propitiation: Whom Godbath Jetforth to be a propitiation. :e hash laid help upon one teat it Mighty .; and that is Chrift. Pefign`d, and called he is to the office of the High-Prieff. The proper work ofthe High-Priefis office was, to condole with, re- lieve and fuccour the people againfl their f,ns : And the more Eminent any High-Prieft was, the more in this work. In the z 7.ofthe Hebrews, we find all along, how abun- dantly he excels all the High-rriefts that ever were. As