Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE CONTENTS Page Page ofGod in cbrifi 79 in the workof God ibid In theholy Ghoji dwelling 3 Such as are willing to leave in eur hearts ibid i alI relations tofollow him 87 2 What Chriff loth when hei 4 He hieffeth when the world cloth bleIre cur ibid feth 1 He wifheth choyce bleffings 15 5 Such as gracioufly enjoy e- to them Sol vangelical ordinances 88 2 He doth authoritivelypro- 6 All this conducethto our corn- nounce bim bleifed Si fort and holinefl 3 He abfolves them from all To our comfort 88 their fins ibid Objea, IfI were eared' God 4 He confers andbellows the had bleffed me I could have biding upon them ibid comfort 5 He gives increafe 82 Anfw. 1 It is a fign a man is 3 That this belongs decially to blefied, when others are blef- Chrifi, proved 83 fed by him 90 4 That jefus Chrift is willing 2 When he is drawn the neerer to bleffepoorfinners 85 to Godby outward things 91 5 He cloth this fully ibid 3 When be encreafetb and mul- Objeac. We do not fee it ibid I tiplieth Maw. .1 . 'Tis a bard thing to To our holineffe difcern the bidingof Chriji i it encouragetb to come to . . fometimes 1 1 . 2 Hecloth not bleffe as the world bleffeth 84 3 Not as profeffors bleffe 85 bleffe ibid 4 Not alwaies as godly men But'. He bleffeth fuch as are weakingifts and grace 86 z Suchat be bath made ssfe of the truth 92 2 To go on in it againfi all oppofition 94- 3 To go on though we have but weakparts ibid 4 To be contented with our condition 95 5 Continually to Neff the Lord ibid SEB.,