Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

and carefbr, his People underTemptation. vidwarWilling tobuild to Temple, becaufehe laid outf0 much by way ofpreparition. And Araunah was willing to havea facrifice, becaufe he gave up-his thrething-flowr, it appear'd he was willing. And nowwhen Jefus Chrifi is content to fuffer fo much that he may make a propitia- tion for finners, and reconciliation with the Father, and fo fuccour; it argues that he is verywilling. Befides, .Arran is willing to have that done which he is much troubled for ifit be not done. You know when Chrifi came toJerufalem, he wept (faies the text) and he wept : He came a fuccouring, and they, would not be fuccoured flowoften wouldIhave gathered thee as an hen gathers her chic- kens under her wings, and thou wouldfi not ? A Hen is a fuc- couring creature : Chrift came a fuccouring, came to ga- ther them as a Hen .AHen fits upon the eggs, and hatcheth with the warmthofher body : So doth Chrift do with the warmth ofhis love. AHen fits till the feathers be offher own body, makes her own body naked for to hatch up: And fo did Chrifl. When the chicken is hatch't, the fuc- cours it, and covers it under her wings : and when the chicken can run abroad, let the hen find but a grain of corn, the clucks , and cals the chicken to her to have part of it And fodid Chrift. And whendanger comes, the Kite comes, fhe cals the chicken under herwings again to fuc- cour it : So does Chrift. When he faies thus, he came to gather them as a Hengathersher chickens under her wings, he came to faccour them, but they would not be fuccour'd ; fee howhe takes it : the text faies, He wept, he wept; he was much troubled. Wife men don't ufe to weep before company ; children will : but thofe that are very wife, if they will weep, they weep in private : Jefus Chrift (that was thewifdom ofthe Father) fals a weeping, and all be- caufe they would not be fuccour'd 5 Surely then, Jefus Chrift is very willing tofuccour poor inners. And belo- ved! this was his love, and this was his companion in the day ofhis infirmity; howgreat is it now in the dayof his glory Again 225