226 Satanspower toTempt ; and Chrill's love to, Again, It argues that he Is very willing to fucconr poor tempted fouls, becaufe he war willing to cure difeafed bodies; when he was upon the earth he was willing to cure them: Sowilling, as though it did colt a miracle, yet he would do it. Sowilling, that though theydid not know him as he was, but thought him a Prophet, yet he would do it. So willing, as that though they did not defire it themfelves but were brought byothers, yet he would do it. So wil- ling, as that though they were unmannerly in their co- ming to him; witnefs the pulling the tyles off the houfe, yet he woulddo it. And that io willing, though much unbeleef expre ft by thole that were brought unto him, yet he would do it. I befeech you confider it: this was a work that Chrift came into the world todo ; this is The work the work that Chrift came to do, it was to bind up brolsen .hearts : The work that Chrift came to do, was to open tbepri- fon doors topoor captives : The Spirit of the Lordil upon me (you know the place.) To adninifi er a word in due feifon to thole that are weak: He hath given me the tongue of the learned to adminifler a word in due feafon to thole that are weak. Now then, ifJefus Chrift was fo willing to do the other workwhich was but his work by the bye, which was not The-work that he did come about : how infinitely willing mai he needs be to do The-work that he did come about ? but I fay, to fuccour poor temptedones, this was The-work that he came upon ; Heaven hathnot alter'd him, he bath loft none of his love by, going thither : Surely therefore, he Lord Jefus Chrift is infinitely willing, to fuccour poor tempted foula. 3. Well, But though he be able, aoul trilling,yet it May be be is notfaithfull. Yes, faith the former verfe, Faithful : merciful, and faithful High-Prieft. Faithful in all hu houfe a$ Moles was. XV hat honeft man will break his word ? gocontrary to his oath ? Fle is fworne into thisoffice ofthe High-Prieft. Yea, wehavenot only his Promife, and his Oath, but the fa- thers Bond for the Sonsperformance Thefeedif the :rattan Pall