228 Satans power toTempt ; andChrift's love to, love-tokens from my dear Saviour. Again, He fuccours Before the temptation : By filling the heart with the holy Ghoft. When theveffel is fild with one liquor, it keeps out another. I will. return to my houfe (faith Satan) and I came and found it 'empty; and fo he entered. The Lord therfore, fils the houfe, the foul with the holy Ghoft, and fo keeps Satan from entering. He fuccours alfo, Vnder temptation : By opening the eyes ofhim that is tempted to fee that 'tis but a temptation. A temptation is halfcured, when a man knowsthat but a temp- tation : when a manseyes is open to fee the tempter, and the temptation. Therefore men are fo hardly cured, be- caufe they are hardly perfwaded that 'tis a temptation; when they fee that, then they fay, Get thee behinde me Satan. Chrift opens their eyes. Again, He fuccours Vnder temptation: By letting fal fome glimpfe of his love, fome love-look upon a tempted foul. And fo, when Peter was in the High-Priefls hall, Chrift looks upon him, and he went out and wept bitterly. It was theTweet look of Chrift,that made Peter weepbitterly; Peters tears, came from Chriftr eyes firft : and though he were much engag'd, yet having a love-look from Chrift, Pie flay no longer, and away he goes. And fo, when a foul fees but the gracious eye of Chrift looking on him, he breaks off from his temptation : thus he fuccours. Again, He fuccours Vnder temptation, by temptation, even from temptation. Beloved ! the Devil feldom tempts with one Jingle temptation: ,As we feldom commit Jingle fins, or receive fingle mercies ; fo the Devil feldom tempts with a fingle temptation. One may be laid in our Natures; and the o- ther laid in our Callings : Chrift fees now, that one is given toUncleanneffe, or to Pride; and fo he lets out Sa- tan upon him, to trouble himwith blafphemous thoughts, andby the affliaion s of t hofe blafphemous thoughts, they are kept fromPride, and from Wantonneffe, and deligh- ting in other fins. He does fuccour From temptation; I fay, from temptation by