and care of, bis People under Temptation. 229 by temptation (fometimes) by eatefing a word in the temptation to Pandout, fo as thereby togive the tempted man an hint to Jefus Chrift. So when Chriattempted, and tryed thewoman of Canaan : 'Tis not lawful to caft childrens bread before dogs : There flood out aword, that, word Dog: fhe laies hold on it, True Lord yet the dogs eate of the erums. Chrift does foorder the very temptations of Satan, that fome word or other in the very temptation does fo stand forth as to hint the foule again unto Jefus Chrift. Sometimes he fifccours Vnder temptation: By throwing in a Promife, lotting thefoul upon fame Promife which as a Ca- ble, keeps the heart fait in the time ofa dorm: And fornetimes he fuccours Vnder temptation (again :) By weakening the temptation, and by kepingthe heart, and the temp- tation aftender ; may be, by raifing up fome Affliction : Woe to that foul, when the heart and temptation meet, cor- ruption and temptation meet. TheLord Chrift therefore, fometimes is pleafed to raife up anAjPiElion between them, that fo thefe twowicked lovers may be kept afunder. Thus Under temptation. After temptation he fuccours filling the heart with joy unfPeakable andfall ofeory. By fending the AngelstoMini- fter : As when theDevil left Chrift, had tempted him and left him ; then came the Angels and Minitired' to him. Everyway, Before temptation : and In temptation: andAfter temptation, the Lord Jefus Chrift is afuccouring Chrift to tempted fouls, he is a fuccouring Chrift : Beloved ! he was arnanofforrows,that he might be a Godoffuccours his heart it is full of fuccours. I come to the Application APP/Yea. Whilft I !land upon thisTruth, me thinks I hear a fo- 1. lemn, and graciousInvitation toall poor tempted fouls to come unto jefirs Chrifi, to come for fuccout. There's none ofyou all, but labour under Come temptation or other. Ye