Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Awspe and care of , his People under Temptation. 2 3t fear ofdeath, and all their life time fubjc& to bondage. Art thou therefore, a man or woman, that bath gone up and down all thy dales in fear ofdeath, and fear of hell, and been in bondage all thy life time ? See, he came to de- liver inch fouls, fuel' tempted fouls as thefe are Chrincame to deli v-er. Of) ! But my temptation is not a bare temptation, there's much afflillion that is nnxt withal : and will he deliver thofe ? Yes, you know how it was with Jacob: Jacob Mid indireEt means to get the bleifing ; Efate' heart rote againli him Jacob fliesfork ; when he was in the field, in the night, then Chritt appears to him : A ladder, whofe top was in Heaven (the Deity) the bottom on Earth (the Humanity) and Angels aCcending and defcending. All the while he was in his Lathers houfe, he never had this Vilion ofChrift, but now, when he lay in the open field, Chritt appears for his fuccour, by his Angels thus. Oh ! but my temptation is not fetch; hut my temptation is mixt withmuch Corruption ; 1 have a Frond heart, an Vnclean heart, aft-award heart : h the Lord 7 ef as chrig lay fetch a wretched heart as mine is in his bofom ? Oh! will hefuccour fetch a foul as I ant ? For anfwer to this, I pray -confider thefe Three thingi with me. The Lord jefus Chrili is a fuccouring Chrift ye have read : And. Fir(}, Hewill fuecour temptedfinners ,when they are me tempted. When the Child is tick, and when the Child is molt lick, then the Mother comes forth and fuccours it, then love fits upon the bed-fide, then love laies the Child in her bofom. And (faies he) in the 66. chapter of Flay, and the 13. verfe : As °newborn his mother comfortetb,fo will I comfort you. . Again, Hewill not only fuccour thus : but he will rue- couryou that are tempted, when you eannot fuccour your (elves; when.your own thoughts cannot fuccour you, when your own thoughts dare no farceur you, or when your own thoughts trample upon your Evidences, and when your own Objeff Anfut Object. Anfw.