Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

232 Satanspower lo Tempt ; andChrift's love to, own thoughts fhall make a Mutiny in your hearts, and let al on fire : In the multitude of my thoughts thy wordcomforts my foul. The Lord knows howto deliver in the timeof temp- tation , though you do not know'; and when you do not know it, then he knows, and then he will deliver when you know not. Ready again the fame place, the 13. verfe ofthe 66. of Efay. At one whom his moiber comfor- teth fo will I comfort you. Who are thole ? (faies he) at the 5 verfe. Hear the wordof theLord,ye that treml le at his word, andyou that are call out byyour brethren: As one whom his mo- ther Comforteth, fo will I comfortyou : you that lie and trem- blebefore the promife, and dare not draw neer unto it, As a mother comforteth, fowill I comfort you. Thirdly, He will not only fuccour thus : but he will fuccour poor tempted fouls with a Notwithflanding; Not- withflanding all their failings, Notwithftanding all their infirmities. yofipb, aType ofGhrift, his brethren fold him away, he indured muchmifery : Afterward his brethren came to want ; and they godown to Egypt to him ; and when they camethere, Jofeph fuccours them, Notwithftan- ding all their former unkindnefie ; I am your brother Jo- feph , Iam Yofephyour brother; 'tis true, you fold me, and thus and thus you dealt by me; but you arecome for fuc- cour, and. I will fuccour you with a Notwithftanding. So faies the Lord Jefus thrift; Poor tempted foul, I know how thouhaft dealt by me, how thou haft fold me, how thou haft negleEted me, how thou haft crucified me : but I will fuccour thee with a Notwithfianding, Notwithfiand- ingall thy guilt, and all thy. fear, I will fuccour theewith a Notwithitanding, 7hreegreat ruccourr that the jewes hadia-tbe wildertzef? : Suc- cour from the Rock,. that gaveout water : Succour againft their Thirft, -Succour from the Manna!) that came down from Heaven. fuccour againft their Hunger. Succour from the Brafen-ferpent : from the fiery ferpentsthat flung them.. All thefeThree were great Types of Chriji. And the Rockara6' faies the Apofile. And faies himfelfe